Package 'BoolFilter'

Title: Optimal Estimation of Partially Observed Boolean Dynamical Systems
Description: Tools for optimal and approximate state estimation as well as network inference of Partially-Observed Boolean Dynamical Systems.
Authors: Levi McClenny, Mahdi Imani, Ulisses Braga-Neto
Maintainer: Levi McClenny <[email protected]>
License: Artistic-2.0
Version: 1.0.0
Built: 2025-03-01 03:20:18 UTC

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Optimal Estimation of Partially-Observed Boolean Dynamical Systems


Tools for optimal and approximate state estimation as well as network inference of Partially-Observed Boolean Dynamical Systems.


Package: BoolFilter
Type: Package
Version: 1.0
Date: 2017-01-08
License: Artistic-2.0

Estimation of Partially-Observed Boolean Dynamical Systems (POBDS) is handled by various algorithms, revolving primarily around the Boolean Kalman Filter (BKF). Other similar algorithms have been developed and documented in the BoolFilter package, including BKS for batch datasets and the SIR_BKF for large POBDS.

These algorithms can be run on data with various types of noise including:

  • Bernoulli

  • Gaussian

  • Poisson

  • Negative-Binomial

These types of noise models are included to handle different potential observation noise that could be encountered in real applications.

These observation noise models can be simulated in the simulateNetwork function, which can generate both state and observation trajectories of user defined length and observation model preference.

Additionally, the plotTrajectory function can be implemented to visualize the trajectories of state variables.


Levi McClenny, Mahdi Imani, Ulisses Braga-Neto

Maintainer: Levi McClenny <[email protected]>


Braga-Neto U. Optimal state estimation for Boolean dynamical systems. In 2011 Conference Record of the Forty Fifth Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers (ASILOMAR) 2011 Nov 6 (pp. 1050-1054). IEEE.

Imani, M., & Braga-Neto, U. Maximum-likelihood adaptive filter for partially-observed boolean dynamical systems. IEEE transaction on Signal Processing, 65:359-371, 2017.

Further references are listed in the corresponding reference sections


#Simulate data from a Bernoulli observation model
data <- simulateNetwork(p53net_DNAdsb0, = 100, p = 0.02,
                        obsModel = list(type = "Bernoulli",
                                          p = 0.02))
#Derive an estimate of the network using a BKF approach
Results <- BKF(data$Y, p53net_DNAdsb0, .02,
                        obsModel = list(type = "Bernoulli",
                                          p = 0.02))
#View network approximation vs. correct trajectory
                labels = p53net_DNAdsb0$genes,
                dataset2 = data$X,
                compare = TRUE)

Boolean Kalman Filter


Implements the Boolean Kalman Filter to derive the optimal MMSE estimate of state of a Partially Observed Boolean Dynamical System


BKF(Y, net, p, obsModel)



Time series of noisy observations of the Boolean regulatory network.
Each row and column correspond to a specific Boolean variable and time point respectively.


A Boolean Network object (specified in BoolNet vernacular) that the time series of observations presented in Y is based on


Intensity of Bernoulli process noise


Parameters for the chosen observation model.


A novel state-space signal model has been proposed for stochastic Boolean dynamical systems observed through noisy measurements, of which the Boolean Kalman Filter is the optimal MMSE estimator. State evolution is governed by Boolean functions (i.e. logic gates) and noise. The current system state, in which transitions between Boolean states can be perturbed by some process noise, creating an ergodic state transition matrix, is observed through an arbitrary noisy measurement. The optimal recursive MMSE estimator for this model is called the Boolean Kalman Filter (BKF), and an efficient algorithm has been proposed for its exact computation. This algorithm is presented here.

The Boolean Kalman Filtering algorithm can handle various observation models, including Bernoulli, Gaussian, Poisson, and Negative-Binomial, based on the input to the obsModel parameters.

  • Bernoulli observation model requires only one parameter, aside from declaring the type, e.g.

    obsModel = list(type = 'Bernoulli', q = 0.05)

  • Gaussian observation model requires a vector of the observation parameters, which include the mean and standard deviation of Boolean variables in inactivated and activated states. This will be defined as a vector, e.g.

    mu0 = 1
    sigma0 = 2
    mu1 = 5
    sigma1 = 2
    obsModel = list(type = 'Gaussian', model = c(mu0, sigma0, mu1, sigma1))

  • The Poisson observation model requires a list of parameters. This list will have 3 entries in addition to the type definition, for a total of 4 entries:

    • Sequencing depth s

    • Baseline espression in inactivated state, referred to as mu

    • The differential expression, referred to as delta, which must be input as a vector of the same length as the number of Boolean variables in the network.

    In this way, the user can define the exact observation parameter for each individual gene. For a 4-gene network, a potential obsModel parameter for a Poisson distribution could be defined as:

    obsModel = list(type = 'Poisson', s = 10.875, mu = 0.01, delta = c(2, 2, 2, 2))

  • Negative-Binomial observation model also requires a list of parameters. This list will have 4 entries in addition to the type definition, for a total of 5 entries:

    • Sequencing depth s

    • Baseline espression in inactivated state, referred to as mu

    • Differential expression, referred to as delta, which must be input as a vector of the same length as the number of Boolean variables in the network.

    • Inverse Dispersion, referred to as phi, which must also be input as a vector of the same length as the number of Boolean variables in the network.

    For a 4-gene network, a potential obsModel parameter for a Negative-Binomial observation model could be defined as:

    delta = c(2, 2, 2, 2)
    phi = c(3, 3, 3, 3)
    obsModel = list(type = 'NB', s = 10.875, mu = 0.01, delta, phi)



Estimate the state of of the Partially-Observed Boolean Dynamical System based on the recursive BKF algorithm


Mean Squared Error of the estimate returned by the BKF algorithm for each time instance


Normalized PDV for each time instance


Braga-Neto, U. (2011, November). Optimal state estimation for Boolean dynamical systems. In Signals, Systems and Computers (ASILOMAR), 2011 Conference Record of the Forty Fifth Asilomar Conference on (pp. 1050-1054). IEEE.

Imani, M., & Braga-Neto, U. Maximum-likelihood adaptive filter for partially-observed boolean dynamical systems. IEEE transaction on Signal Processing, 65:359-371, 2017.



obsModel = list(type = 'NB', 
                   s = 10.875, 
                  mu = 0.01, 
               delta = c(2, 2, 2, 2), 
                 phi = c(3, 3, 3, 3))

#Simulate a network with Negative-Binomial observation model
data <- simulateNetwork(p53net_DNAdsb0, = 100, p = 0.02, obsModel)
#Derive the optimal estimate of the network using a BKF approach
Results <- BKF(data$Y, p53net_DNAdsb0, p = 0.02, obsModel)

Boolean Kalman Smoother


Genereates the optimal MMSE estimate of the state of a Partially-Observed Boolean Dynamical System by implementing a Boolean Kalman Smoother to batch data


BKS(Y, net, p, obsModel)



Time series of noisy observations of the Boolean regulatory network.
Each row and column correspond to a specific Boolean variable and time point respectively.


A Boolean Network object (specified in BoolNet vernacular) that the time series of observations presented in Y is based on


Intensity of Bernoulli process noise


Parameters for the chosen observation model.


In the event that a sequence of measurements is available offline, the BKS can be used for computation of the optimal MMSE of smoothed trajectory.

The Boolean Kalman Smoother algorithm can handle various observation models, including Bernoulli, Gaussian, Poisson, and Negative-Binomial, based on the input to the obsModel parameter.

The obsModel parameter is defined the same as the Boolean Kalman Filter and simulateNetwork functions, reference the documentation for BKF or simulateNetwork for details.



Estimate of the sate of the Partially-Observed Boolean Dynamical System based on the BKS algorithm


Mean Squared Error of the estimate returned by the BKS algorithm for each time instance


Imani, M., & Braga-Neto, U. (2015, December). Optimal state estimation for boolean dynamical systems using a boolean Kalman smoother. In 2015 IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP) (pp. 972-976). IEEE.



obsModel = list(type = 'Bernoulli', q = 0.02)

#Simulate a network with Bernoulli observation noise
data <- simulateNetwork(p53net_DNAdsb0, = 100, p = 0.02, obsModel)
#Derive the optimal estimate of state of the network using the BKS algorithm
Results <- BKS(data$Y, p53net_DNAdsb0, p = 0.02, obsModel)

Melanoma Regulatory Network


Melanoma Boolean regulatory network as described by sM.R. Yousefi, et al.




The data consists of activities of 10 genes in melanoma regulatory network. The 10 genes are as follows: WNT5A, pirin, S100P, RET1, MMP3, PHOC, MART1, HADHB, synuclein, and STC2.


Yousefi, Mohammadmahdi R., and Edward R. Dougherty. "Intervention in gene regulatory networks with maximal phenotype alteration."" Bioinformatics 29.14 (2013): 1758-1767.



data <- simulateNetwork(melanoma, = 100, p = .02,
                      obsModel = list(type = 'Bernoulli', 
                                      q = 0.05))

Multiple Model Adaptive Estimation


This function implements the Multiple Model Adaptive Estimation (MMAE) algorithm, which implements a bank of Boolean Kalman Filters running in parallel on a dataset in order to estimate model parameters.


MMAE(data, net, p, threshold, Prior = NA, obsModel = NA)



Data from which the MMAE algorithm should attempt to estimate parameters


A vector of potential networks, defined in the BoolNet loadNetwork vernacular, from which the MMAE algorithm should choose the most probable network for the given data in Y


A vector containing different possible intensities of Bernoulli process noise, from which the MMAE algorithm should choose the most likely


A posterior probability threshold value (between 0 and 1) for which the MMAE should stop running


A vector of the prior probabilities of the possible combinations of the various networks and process noise parameters input to the algorithm. The vector must be of size length(net)*length(p). The entries into the vector will follow the pattern:

net1, p1
net1, p2
netm, pn

where m is the total number of potential networks and n is the total number of the possible p values. The default prior ovse models is uniform.


Parameters for the chosen observation model.


The MMAE algorithm will return which network and process noise value is most likely to have generated the given dataset supplied in Y.

If the posterior probability for any of the combinations of networks and process noise parameters fails to surpass the value defined in the threshold variable, the algorithm will output that no decision could be made using the given data.


Imani, M., & Braga-Neto, U. (2015, November). Optimal gene regulatory network inference using the boolean kalman filter and multiple model adaptive estimation. In 2015 49th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers (pp. 423-427). IEEE.


#load potential networks

net1 <- p53net_DNAdsb0
net2 <- p53net_DNAdsb1

#define observation model
observation = list(type = 'NB', s = 10.875, mu = 0.01, delta = c(2, 2, 2, 2), phi = c(3, 3, 3, 3))

#simulate data using one of the networks and a given 'p'
data <- simulateNetwork(net1, = 100, p = 0.02, obsModel = observation)
#run MMAE to determine model selection and parameter estimation
MMAE(data, net=c("net1","net2"), p=c(0.02,0.1,0.15), threshold=0.8, obsModel = observation)

p53 Negative-Feedback Gene Regulatory Boolean Network


The data consists of activities of 4 genes in the well-known p53-MDM2 negative-feedback gene regulatory network when the external input (called dna_dsb) to this system is ON or OFF. The p53 gene codes for the tumor suppressor protein p53 in humans, and its activation plays a critical role in cellular responses to various stress signals that might cause genome instability. The four genes are as follows: ATM, p53, Wip1, and MDM2. The input 'dna_dsb' indicates the presence of DNA double strand breaks. In this dataset, dna_dsb is 0, indicating no external input.




The p53-MDM2 negative-feedback gene regulatory network described by E. Batchelor et al.


E. Batchelor, A. Loewer, and G. Lahav, "The ups and downs of p53: Understanding protein dynamics in single cells," Nature Rev. Cancer, vol. 9, no. 5, pp. 371-377, 2009.



data <- simulateNetwork(p53net_DNAdsb0, = 100, p = .02,
                      obsModel = list(type = 'Bernoulli', 
                                      q = 0.05))

p53 Negative-Feedback Gene Regulatory Boolean Network


The data consists of activities of 4 genes in the well-known p53-MDM2 negative-feedback gene regulatory network when the external input (called dna_dsb) to this system is ON or OFF. The p53 gene codes for the tumor suppressor protein p53 in humans, and its activation plays a critical role in cellular responses to various stress signals that might cause genome instability. The four genes are as follows: ATM, p53, Wip1, and MDM2. The input 'dna_dsb' indicates the presence of DNA double strand breaks. In this dataset, dna_dsb is 1, indicating no external input.




The p53-MDM2 negative-feedback gene regulatory network described by E. Batchelor et al.


E. Batchelor, A. Loewer, and G. Lahav, "The ups and downs of p53: Understanding protein dynamics in single cells," Nature Rev. Cancer, vol. 9, no. 5, pp. 371-377, 2009.



data <- simulateNetwork(p53net_DNAdsb1, = 100, p = .02,
                      obsModel = list(type = 'Bernoulli', 
                                      q = 0.05))

Plot state variables of Boolean Regulatory Systems


Allows for visualization of Boolean state variables. If compare = TRUE, the trajectory in BLACK is dataset1 and the trajectory in RED is dataset2.


               labels = NA, 
               dataset2 = NA, 
               compare = FALSE, 
               byrow = TRUE)



Trajectory to be viewed. Input is limited to 4 variables to allow for concise viewing. Shown in BLACK.


Vector of labels to apply to plots


If compare = TRUE, another dataset to be overlayed on dataset1. This is, again, limited to 4 variables. Shown in DASHED RED if compare = TRUE.


Set compare = TRUE if an overlay is desired


Set byrow = FALSE if the input data is not in the format of a single state variable corresponding to a row of the dataset.



data <- simulateNetwork(p53net_DNAdsb1, = 100, p = 0.02,
                        obsModel = list(type = 'Bernoulli',
                                        q = 0.05))

              labels = p53net_DNAdsb1$genes)
#View both (original state trajectory and observation) datasets overlayed
              labels = p53net_DNAdsb1$genes,
              dataset2 = data$Y,
              compare = TRUE)

Simulate Boolean Network


Simulates a Boolean network and generates noise of user-defined model preference and paramters.


simulateNetwork(net,, p, obsModel)



A boolean Network object (specified in BoolNet vernacular) to be simulated

Length of time-series to simulate


Process noise to build into the simulation. Should be 0<p<0.5.


Parameters for the chosen observation model.


The simulateNetwork function can simulate many observation models to create observational data. An overvoew of how to use the various types of observation models present in BoolFilter is given below:

  • Bernoulli observation model requires only one parameter, aside from declaring the type, e.g.

    obsModel = list(type = 'Bernoulli', q = 0.05)

  • Gaussian observation model requires a vector of the observation parameters, which include the mean and standard deviation of Boolean variables in inactivated and activated states. This will be defined as a vector, e.g.

    mu0 = 1
    sigma0 = 2
    mu1 = 5
    sigma1 = 2
    obsModel = list(type = 'Gaussian', model = c(mu0, sigma0, mu1, sigma1))

  • Poisson observation model requires a list of parameters. This list will have 3 entries in addition to the type definition, for a total of 4 entries:

    • Sequencing depth s

    • Baseline espression in inactivated state, referred to as mu

    • The differential expression, referred to as delta, which must be input as a vector of the same length as the number of genes in the network.

    In this way, the user can define the exact observation parameter for each individual gene. For a 4-gene network, a potential obsModel parameter for a Poisson distribution could be defined as:

    obsModel = list(type = 'Poisson', s = 10.875, mu = 0.01, delta = c(2, 2, 2, 2))

  • Negative-Binomial observation models also require a list of parameters. This list will have 4 entries in addition to the type definition, for a total of 5 entries:

    • Sequencing depth s

    • Baseline espression in inactivated state, referred to as mu

    • Differential expression, referred to as delta, which must be input as a vector of the same length as the number of genes in the network.

    • Inverse Dispersion, referred to as phi, which must also be input as a vector of the same length as the number of genes in the network.

    For a 4-gene network, a potential obsModel parameter for a Negative-Binomial observation model could be defined as:

    delta = c(2, 2, 2, 2)
    phi = c(3, 3, 3, 3)
    obsModel = list(type = 'NB', s = 10.875, mu = 0.01, delta, phi)



Original Boolean state trajectory, without observation noise


Observation trajectory



#generate data from poisson observation model
dataPoisson <- simulateNetwork(p53net_DNAdsb1, = 100, p = 0.02, 
                          obsModel = list(type = 'Poisson',
                                          s = 10.875, 
                                          mu = 0.01, 
                                          delta = c(2,2,2,2)))

#generate data from Bernoulli observation model
dataBernoulli <- simulateNetwork(p53net_DNAdsb1, = 100, p = 0.02, 
                          obsModel = list(type = 'Bernoulli',
                                          q = 0.05))

Particle Filter


Performs the SIR-BKF algorithm approach in order to approximate the optimal MMSE estimate of state variables of a Partially-Observed Boolean Dynamical System.


SIR_BKF(Y, N, alpha, net, p, obsModel)



Time series of noisy observations of the boolean regulatory network.
Each row and column correspond to a specific Boolean variable and time point respectively.


Number of particles used in approximation


Parameter denoting the cutoff threshold for resampling


A Boolean Network object (specified in BoolNet vernacular) that the time series of observations presented in Y is based on


Intensity of Bernoulli process noise


Parameters for the chosen observation model.


Exact optimal state estimation for partially-observed Boolean dynamical systems may become impractical computationally if system dimensionality is large. This opens the floor for an approximation algorithm to handle cases of high-dimensional systems. The SIR-BKF Particle Filtering algorithm contained in BoolFilter handles situations in which the Boolean Kalman Filter proves too computationally inefficient.

The Particle Filtering approximation, like the Boolean Kalman Filter, can handle various observation models, including Bernoulli, Gaussian, Poisson, and Negative-Binomial, based on the input to the obsModel paramter.

The obsModel parameter is defined the same as the Boolean Kalman Filter and simulateNetwork functions, reference the documentation for BKF or simulateNetwork for details.


Braga-Neto U. Particle filtering approach to state estimation in Boolean dynamical systems. In Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP), 2013 IEEE 2013 Dec 3 (pp. 81-84). IEEE.



obsModel = list(type = 'Gaussian', 
               model = c(mu0 = 1, sigma0 = 2, mu1 = 5, sigma1 = 2))

#generate data from Negative Binomial observation model for the
#10-gene Mammalian Cell Cycle Network
data <- simulateNetwork(cellcycle, = 100, p = 0.02, obsModel)

#perform SIR-BKF algorithm
Results <- SIR_BKF(data$Y, N = 1000, alpha = 0.95, cellcycle, p = 0.02, obsModel)